Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306

Design Technology

Design Technology

Vision statement and intent 

 The intent of the Design Technology curriculum at Skelmanthorpe Academy is to foster creativity, problem solving skills and practical capabilities in our pupils. By providing a well-rounded education in design and technology, we aim to provide our pupils with the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly technological and innovative world. Our curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity, promote critical thinking and develop a sense of appreciation for the design process

SEND in the curriculum 

The curriculum at Skelmanthorpe Academy is designed to be ambitious for all pupils and high expectations are set for all subjects.

The sequential delivery of units and information, means that the children experience learning in chunks which do not overload the working memory, allowing pupils to build on and secure past knowledge.

Pedagogy of learning is key and individual knowledge of the SEND learners plays a part in how the curriculum can be adapted so that pupils with SEND are not disadvantaged.

This information is based on research reports carried out by OFSTED and how schools can best support pupils with SEND in accessing the curriculum.


 Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement.docx.pdfDownload
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Skelmanthorpe Academy's Long Term Plan

Skelmanthorpe Academy Medium Term Plans

Year 1

Autumn 2


Spring 2

Summer 2

Skelmanthorpe Academy Medium Term Plans

Year 2

Autumn 2

Spring 2

Summer 2

Skelmanthorpe Academy Medium Term Plans

Year 3/4

Autumn 2

Spring 2

Summer 2

Skelmanthorpe Academy Medium Term Plans

Year 4/5

Autumn 2

Spring 2

Summer 2

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