New reception Starters
Headteacher's Welcome
We are delighted that you and your child are joining Skelmanthorpe Academy this coming September, either as part of our nursery or reception class. On behalf of the Staff, Governors, children and parents, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our school community.
We hope that the information on this page will answer many of the questions that you have about your child starting school with us in September and assure you that we will write to you in the coming weeks with further details about your child's induction.
Message from the Chair of Governors
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the governors at Skelmanthorpe Academy to welcome you and your child to our school community.
We know sending your children into the new world of school or nursery can be an anxious time, but please be assured the staff and governors alike will make this leap one which is supportive, fun and will see your children grow into confident learners and young people.
We thank you for trusting us with the care and education of your child and we look forward to meeting you and your children in September.
Mrs Janine Tinker-Ives
Chair of Governors