Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306

Physical Education

physical education

Vision statement and intent 

The aim of physical education curriculum at Skelmanthorpe Academy, is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles.  Children are taught to observe the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators. Children take part in games, gymnastic movement, dance and athletic activities using indoor and outdoor environments where appropriate. In Tear 5, children go on a residential course for outdoor activities. Children have swimming lessons in Year 4. We work closely with the Shelley Pyramid of schools and all key stages participate in a range of extra-curricular sporting events.

The curriculum at Skelmanthorpe Academy is designed to be ambitious for all pupils and high expectations are set for all subjects.

The sequential delivery of units and information, means that the children experience learning in chunks which do not overload the working memory, allowing pupils to build on and secure past knowledge.

Pedagogy of learning is key and individual knowledge of the SEND learners plays a part in how the curriculum can be adapted so that pupils with SEND are not disadvantaged.

This information is based on research reports carried out by OFSTED and how schools can best support pupils with SEND in accessing the curriculum.

SEND in the PE curriculum

The PE curriculum is designed to give importance to the needs of individual pupils with SEND. It is planned for inclusion and to provide opportunities for practice, especially in EYFS. Adaptations may be made to ensure that SEND pupils can access the curriculum, and pre-teaching of instructions and vocabulary takes place. Adaptation is also made when assessing pupils with SEND, as not limit the potential of the pupils but to consider individual needs.

 Intent-Implementation-Impact .pdfDownload
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Nursery and Reception Medium Term Planning

 Medium term plan PE autumn 2 Dance (1).docxDownload
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Year 1- Medium Term Planning

 Medium term plan PE autumn 2 Dance Starry Skies.docxDownload
 Medium term plan PE autumn 2 Invasion Games.docxDownload
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Year 2 Medium Term Planning

 Dance-The Gunpowder plot.docxDownload
 Invasion games.docxDownload
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Year 3/4 Medium Term Planning

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Year 4/5 Medium Term Planning

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